
bath emollients

You may previously have been prescribed bath emollients to help manage a dry skin condition. The "BATHE"  research study in 2018 suggested that the addition of bath emollients to "usual" treatments did not improve Eczema in children, and as a result NHS England now recommends that bath emollients should not be prescribed by the NHS.

There are two alternative methods to bath emollients, both using any emollient creams that you already have available (and are available on prescription). Both methods clean the skin and moisturise it at the same time, just as bath emollients did.

method 1: apply your usual emollient cream (or gel or ointment) all over the skin BEFORE bathing, and then wash it off during the bath.

method 2: put some of your usual emollient cream into a sealable container (for example, a small reusable water bottle). Add warm water. Seal the container and shake vigorously until the cream and water are thoroughly mixed together. Then add to the bath.


Method 1 is more thorough, but it time consuming and more messy. Method 2 is quicker and easier.

Bathing with water on it's own is less good.

Bathing using soaps, bubble baths, or anything that makes bubbles or foam should be avoided. These will dry the skin. They also contain fragrances and preservatives which can directly inflame sensitive skin.