The services and clinics we offer include:
Minor Surgery
Minor surgery is performed Thursdays, and can be arranged after assessment by your doctor. Procedures are carried out by Dr Gazeley, who also performs surgery at the skin cancer clinic at St Lukes Hospital. Lesions removed include cysts, ingrowing toe nails, symptomatic skin lesions and some types of skin cancer.
We have 6 dermatologists who offer specialist clinics, Dr Goodwin-Jones, Dr Newell, Dr Parsons, Dr Gilhooly, Dr Gazeley & Advanced Nurse Specialist Deborah Jackson. They are supported by Dr London, Consultant Dermatologist from Bradford Teaching Hospitals, who also visits once a month. You will need a referral from your regular GP to be seen in the skin clinics.
Sexual Health
Dr Dawson provides a comprehensive and fully confidential sexual health clinic where men and women can be tested and treated for sexually transmitted infections, without the need to go to the hospital clinic.
Many patients will see their GP for musculoskeletal problems such as pulled muscles or lower back pain, but often these can be treated more effectively by physiotherapists. We have regular clinics run by local physios, and patients can book into this after referral from their GP.
All the doctors and nurses can provide general family planning and contraception advice. Dr Dawson also offers coil and implant insertion.
As soon as you are pregnant, book in to see the midwife who will offer you advice and arrange the monitoring you need. To book an appointment please ring them on 01535 292411
Asthma & COPD
Sister Molineaux is our lung expert, and is skilled in testing and treating conditions such as asthma and COPD. She sees patients for annual checks, and can offer advice if your asthma/COPD is not well controlled.
Heart & BP
If you have raised blood pressure or a long term heart condition (eg. angina or previous heart attack), you will be seen every 6 months alternating between doctor and nurse.
We also offer a range of in-house diagnostic testing, including home BP testing and ECGs.
Coronary risk assessments (heart health checks) take place routinely during your appointments with the doctors and nurses.
Child health
We routinely monitor and assess the health and development of your child. Child health clinics are run by Dr Dawson, Dr Howgego & Dr Jackson, these can easily be combined with nurse appointments for immunisations. The first assessment takes place when your child is 6-8 weeks old. Remember to bring your red book.