Use the search box below to find useful patient information leaflets on most conditions.
Alternatively, the BMJ (one of the top medical journals) has an excellent website called best treatments.
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You only require a sick note if you have been off for more than 7 days. For the first 7 days of illness, you are required to complete a self certification form. GPs are not allowed to issue medical certificates for the first 7 days of an illness.
If your employer insists on a medical certificate for the first 7 days, a private sick note can be issued by the GP, which attracts a fee of £10.
If you do not qualify for statutory sick pay or statutory sick pay runs out and you are still unwell, you should complete form SSP1 and send it to your employer or local social security office to claim for Incapacity Benefit.
New guidelines state that if you have several symptoms, we may be able to treat you without the need for an appointment or testing your urine.
If you have 3 or more of the symptoms listed below, please ring the surgery and request a telephone consultation. You will then be issued a prescription for a standard 3 day course of antibiotics without the need for an appointment. If your symptoms persist after this course of antibiotics, we would need to see you in surgery WITH a urine sample.
Symptoms of urinary infection and cystitis:
If you have 2 or less of these, we will need to see you in surgery WITH a urine sample.
Warts/verrucas are caused by viruses. They are usually self-limiting, in that the body forms an immunity and kills off the wart by itself. There is generally no need to treat warts, as they usually disappear without treatment (about 50% are gone within 6 months), and they do not lead to long-term problems.
If you do have a wart or verruca that has been present for some time and would prefer to try treating it, the surgery recommends the following treatment plan:
1. Three months of Salactol or Occlusal (available over the counter). If this fails:
2. Three months of Glutarol (also available over the counter). If this fails:
3. Treatment with duct tape (see below).
NB. It is important to regularly file away dead skin with an emery board or pumice.
Freezing with liquid nitrogen
This is only used in some severe or persistent cases, as it is no quicker and no more effective than the above treatments. It will be considered ONLY if the above treatments fail, AND if the wart/verruca is cosmetically disfiguring or painful. It is generally not recommended for children under 10.
Surgical Removal
Not advised. Warts can recur within weeks of removal by this method.
Treatment with duct tape
1. Apply duct tape over wart, leave for 6 days (needs to be the proper silver duct tape)
2. Remove tape
3. Rub with emery board or pumice
4. Leave open for twelve hours
5. Repeat for up to 8 weeks
Ref. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2002; 156; 971-7
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Many people also find online CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) beneficial. This form of therapy is used by psychologists, and can help with mood disorders and anxiety disorders. It is now possible to have "do-it-yourself" therapy online, and we recommend either the "mood gym" or living life to the full websites.
The following advice sheet gives basic advice on how to self-manage minor illnesses. If however any symptoms persist, contact the surgery for advice or an appointment. Do not forget that your local pharmacist is able to advise on the management on many illnesses. For all drugs listed do not exceed the recommended doses.
Flu – Typical symptoms include aching on the muscles/ headaches/ sweating/ cough & cold symptoms. The main advice is to rest, drink plenty of fluids & take regular paracetamol. Coughs & colds respond to similar medications & can last up to 2 weeks. Taking deep breaths over a bowl of hot water can help relieve some symptoms, by inhaling the steam.
Temperatures - This can occur with many minor illnesses; regular paracetamol can be used. In addition ibuprofen can be used at the same time, but do not use if you suffer from asthma or indigestion. Tepid sponging also helps to lower the temperature.
Diarrhoea & Vomiting – Usually this settles within 24-48hours. Drink little, but often. Traveller's sickness or anti-diarrhoeal medication can be purchased in a chemist for adults.
Sore Throats – Most of these are caused by viral infections, therefore antibiotics are not of use. Most settle with 72hours. Throat lozenges can be used alongside simple paracetamol & fluids. In people aged over 15 years gargling with aspirin can also benefit.
Conjunctivitis – Mostly this is viral & therefore does not respond to antibiotics. In children with 'sticky eyes' simply clean from inside to out with cool boiled water. If the white of the eye is not red, it is unlikely to require attention, but if the vision is affected/ the eye is red or painful it is better to seek help.
Earaches – These are also mostly viral. Most resolve within 72 hours. Pain relief with paracetamol & ibuprofen is best. Resting the painful ear on a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel can help ease the pain.
Chickenpox – This tends to present with an itchy rash all over the body, with the development of blisters & crusty areas. It mostly affects children & is highly contagious. Often children get a temperature & feel generally unwell. Fluids & paracetamol therefore help. To ease the itch calamine lotion can be used. Try to avoid contact with vulnerable people e.g. very young babies, pregnant ladies or people who have had recent chemotherapy.
Insect Bites – these usually sting &cause swelling & redness where bitten. Rarely they become infected when the redness spreads. Most settle with simple sting relief cream/ cool water & anti-histamines if necessary. Some people are highly allergic to some insects – if you develop swelling of the lips or experience breathing difficulties following a bite you must seek URGENT help.
Sprains – Muscle sprains e.g. from a twisting injury, respond best to rest / ice/ compression & elevation of the affected body part. Simple painkillers as previously mentioned can be used.
Low Back Pain – Usually this is because of muscle strain. The best action to take is to keep moving around, use simple painkillers (as described previously) & place heat to the painful area. Most resolve on their own within a few weeks. If the pain is associated with any weakness or numbness or problems passing urine, you must seek advice urgently.
Cuts – If you cut yourself, run it under cool water to help stop the bleeding & clean the wound. Then apply firm compression with a clean absorbable material such as a towel, and lift the affected body part in the air to slow the bleeding. Most cuts & grazes can then be covered with some antiseptic cream & a simple plaster. If the bleeding fails to stop or the cut is deep –seek advice. If you are cut whilst outside, don't forget to think whether your tetanus is up to date (every 10yrs or 3 boosters in a lifetime).
Burns & Scalds – Immediately place under cold water. Do not attempt to remove clothing if burnt to the skin. If a large area is affected, cover loosely e.g. with cling-film & seek help. Most small superficial areas respond to cool water & antiseptic lotion.